With what can only be described as a "horribly protracted compensation procedure, weighted in the tenants favour" , never then is there a more relevant expression than prevention is better than cure!
Bournes have an enviable reputation for finding and installing low risk tenants. We understand the chaos and harm that can be caused by allowing the wrong tenants into your property. Due to financial data time lag, we review all cases personally, even if a reference agency gives the all clear.
We like to work with landlords and tenants alike to build relationships. With a cohesive environment it is easier to be able to take a common sense approach to managing the property.
Choosing a managing agent is not an area where cost should form the primary basis for choice.
We offer Fully Managed, Part Managed and Tenant Find services for both existing and new clients and for both residential and commercial property.
We offer very competitive management fees starting from 7% + VAT per month. We are not the cheapest, but with our reputation, attention to detail, advice and care, is perhaps £10 a month worth the peace of mind?   Book a free valuation for a no obligation appraisal.
We advertise on the two main property websites being Rightmove.co.uk and OnTheMarket.com.
These are the only two property websites that are purely focused on presenting your property to
tenants, rather than using your house to solicit people to register in order to cross-sell services.
Between them, they account for 99.99% of internet tenant searches, so you can rest assured that we have internet advertising covered.